A 19 yr old male with c/o of vomitings & SOB

Past admission 18 year old male patient elog June 12, 2021 A 18 year old male,from miryalaguda,who is a student, came to the hospital with chief complaints of low backache 1 week ago,fever since 5 days ,yellowish discolouration of eyes since 3 days ,vomitings (2 episodes) and loose stools(3 episodes)and blood tinged urine yesterday morning HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months ago,then he noticed gradual loss of weight since 6months,patient had history of polyuria,nocturia,polydypsia since 2 months 10 days ago, patient attended a function outside and after 2 days he developed low backache and 2 episodes of vomitings and 3 episodes of loose stools for one day which subsided on its own. Next day,patient developed fever,intermittent,high grade,subsided with medication. Patient went to RMP and got treated for fever.patient noticed yellowish discolouration of eyes and urine 3 days ago.Nausea and loss of appetite + Burning micturition is pr...